- June 29th tournament has been postponed...
6.29.2024 Battle of the Paddle, Bro!
Registration for the 1st annual pickleball tournament is scheduled on June 29, 2024 at Dakota Ridge High School. The link for registration is below along with the link for payment. The tournament cost is $40 which will include water and a T-shirt. This is open to Dakota, Columbine and Chatfield high school students that are 16 and older, alumni, and staff. Pick your favorite partner and come have a fun day celebrating Brady while engaging in a friendly competition of pickleball.
Our very first event as a foundation to honor our angel, Brady, for his 19th birthday! Enjoy his favorite sweet treat that he loved and loved to share. As some of you know, Brady was limited on his sugar intake due to his seizures. So in memory of Brady order Krispy Kreme donuts with family and friends while remembering Brady. Tell stories, say his name and as always at the end of your story you will say, "That's so Brady!"
click on the yellow donate button and select the correct payment for your order. anything of 7 or more dozen donuts choose other payment and enter the correct amount.
If you want to make a separate dontation to the foundation please click "Donations"
*12.2024 Brady loved Christmas so we will have a festival of trees. You can either sponsor a tree or donate an ornament for children at Children's Hospital Neurology wing. Details will be coming later in the fall.
If you want to volunteer please contact the foundation at bh7@thatssobrady.com
Come back to look for other events or what is going on in honor of Brady. As many of you know Brady was a social butterfly and was always off doing something with family or friends. Thank you for your continued support in honoring Brady and continue to say his name!
If you want to volunteer please contact the foundation at bh7@thatssobrady.com
Come back to look for other events or what is going on in honor of Brady. As many of you know Brady was a social butterfly and was always off doing something with family or friends. Thank you for your continued support in honoring Brady and continue to say his name!